Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Patriot Storm - The Sleeper Has Awakened

I, like so many it seems, have been politically asleep nearly all my life. It was only two years ago that I began to wake up... and I still have some sleep in my eyes.

God what a mess we have made of things.

I think Ben Franklin was right when responding to a woman who asked: "What kind of government did you give us?" and he replied - "A republic madam, if you can keep it!"

I fear we have almost let our founders down entirely. We have not been vigilant, we have not kept the faith.

But it is not too late. Yes, the Progressive juggernaut is boring down on the Constitution and America at lightning pace, but we still have time to stop it. The question is - do we have the courage??

I know that I do...

Over the next few weeks, this blog will begin to outline what we can do to stop the madness. It will bring a call to action for every Patriot among us. It will identify the real enemy that preys upon our minds and hearts. It will lay a course to victory.

Now is not the time for whining... it is the time for winning. Few people seem to think in those terms today. But they are wrong. We must encourage them not to give up. We must lend them our strength and courage. Let's pick them up onto our shoulders and carry them with us until they too can see what must be done. For it will take all of us, working together, to cut the head off the serpent.

I have a powerful workable plan. Mechanically, it is simple to execute. In fact its power lies in its simplicity. But we must get off of our heels. We need to become the aggressor and move onto the offense. They are trying to divert us from the real problem, the one single problem that lies at the root of the worst of our ills. The problem is not Obama, or Congress, or jobs, or health care... The problem is debt; or more precisely where it came from and who it's owed to and most importantly why we have debt at all. There is another way.

Will you join me? Will you do what is required? Can you do it peaceably, with resolve and fortitude and stand unwaveringly to reclaim your liberty.

We have the truth behind us and our children's generation before us. It's time to take a stand... It's time to dig in. It's time to realize that if you don't - the lamp of freedom will die, and all of us along with it.

Patriots, are you ready to reclaim your birthright?

Today we begin...